Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blogging from Toronto

Greetings loyal readers,
I am now in Toronto for my final stage of trade school. I will be done at the end of October, if I pass I can go and write the test for my refrigeration license. So far we have not really done much, just little review. I am once again staying with my good friends Colin and Graydyn. We usually find a way to have fun.
On my way here a yellow warning light came on in the MINI. Nothing too serious turns out it is just my brake pad light. Still safe to drive for a bit, but I do have to get the pads replace very soon. Too bad this didn't happen a few weeks ago. It would have been much easier to get them replaced back home, I will likely be taking the week end to head over to Detroit Tuned to get my brakes fixed. I could do it here but the MINI dealerships are not known for cheap labour, I also prefer to support my friends business. I am still undecided if I will be upgrading anything or if I will keep the brakes stock. I would like an upgrade for for better spirited driving, but the stock system is quite good for everyday driving. I guess I will talk to Chad and see what my options are. until next week.


Colin Young said...

Good to have you in T.O. buddy! Sorry I bailed out of town as soon as you got there.

Jabbles said...

Hey man, I wished I could have bailed with you, have fun.