Thursday, April 7, 2011


Well another election is upon us. You know what I really don't know what to do. Our political system just doesn't seem to work. The politicians tell us what we want to hear, or at least what they think we want to hear. They don't really seem to want to work at making the country run smoothly. It's too us vs them. If party A wants something party B doesn't after all we can't cave to the other guy. The thing is we all pretty much want the same thing but people want to be part of a group, these groups have to seem different or else, how will we tell them apart? I read a Cracked article on this recently, yeah I know Cracked is a comedy site but they do have some proper information too. Check it out, they even have several links to the studies they mention. Cracked I know a guy who straight up said he would never vote for the Liberals, ok maybe not for this election, or the next. What about 20 years from now? What about 10? Maybe they will have a good platform with a good leader, but nope they have the wrong name. What I would want is no parties what so ever. You pretty much vote for two people on main leader the Prime Minister and one regional representative. The PM appoints certain regional reps to various ministries. The various reps propose bills, we figure out a voting process and it passes or it doesn't. The PM and the various ministries deal with the day to day type stuff, with some oversight on the bigger decisions. Really similar to today but the votes would be based on what the reps constituents want not on what the party tells them to vote.  Would this work, well I really don't know.
There is another solution, let us decide. We have the technology to allow people to vote online. If a big issue comes up let us vote. Most of us have the internet, if we don't it's not that hard to find a computer to use for a few minutes. Throw in a few stations at all municipal offices for the old folks and all is good.

All that to say I have no clue on who to vote for.


Colin Young said...

That'd be pretty wild: Micromanaged Democracy. Every little decision gets put to a vote. We could log in once a day, vote on the handful of items-du-jour and be on our way. :)

baby sister said...

And then someone would hack into the computer to f with everyone.