Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why do we care?

Greetings followers,

More or a question today. Why do we care so much what people think of us? The other day I was talking to a friend, somehow the subject of the Miata came up. I mentioned that I almost bought one. My friend was almost shocked. He said he would never buy one. I can understand that the car isn't for everyone but his main reason, he wouldn't want to be seen in it. Really? It's a cheap reliable fun to drive car. If you take it to the track it can keep up with much more expensive cars. But if seen driving it he would be "gay". I didn't get the car myself because it was in rough shape and I could not afford two cars, Miata's are not winter cars. But frankly I would not have given a shit what people thought when I was behind the wheel. It's not just cars almost everything really. Would we be happier if we just got/dressed/did what we want and not cared what others thought of how it makes us look?

1 comment:

baby sister said...

I think that after you reach a certain age, you really stop caring what people think...for the most part.

However, you still have to worry a little about what your sig-other thinks. Maybe that will go away some day too :D