Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Road trip time

Greetings all,
It's been a while but I am back. I am off on a road trip tomorrow. I will be headed to the Louisville KY area for the week end plus a few day to visit a couple friends. Saturday we make our way to Kings Island amusement park, it has been a long time since I have been to an amusement park so it should be a good time. Sunday I may join in on a MINI drive to natural bridge. After that it's pretty open for whatever as long as I am back home for work Wednesday morning. \i will update if I can from the road.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A change in plans

Greetings all,

I got a couple things to say tonight.

First I decided a weekly update is too much. I will still try and post something weekly but if I have nothing to say well I simply won't post.

Second the fall Dragon trip has been cancelled. I still have the week booked off at work, I have no immediate plans to unbook it for now. Why you ask? Well cost is the simple answer. It's not that it would be a super expensive trip, but more that I should be spending right now. I will be going a a shorter road trip though. The plan for now is Louisville Kentucky to visit some friends for the week end plus a day or two. Beyond that nothing much set up yet, I would like to go back to a restaurant I visited there a couple years ago Lilliy's. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The date is picked

Well I booked the week of October 10th off. No real plans beyond that, I may work something out this week end when in Toronto with the boys.

As I said just above there I will be in Toronto this week end.  No real plans other than hanging out with my boys. I will also be returning my awesome but broken headlight the Mountain equipment Co-Op. It broke a few months after I got it, otherwise it was great. The sucky part from my recent visit to their site it appears as though they no longer carry that model, hopefully I can get another one.

That is all for now off to play with the nephew.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fall trip


I picked a date for the Fall trip. I will be going for the week of October 10, AKA Thanksgiving week. It's not set in stone quite yet but it looks as though trying to get more that two people to agree on a date may be difficult. That being said, while it would be fun to have friends there if it comes to it I will simply go alone. Not much planning has happened yet but I think I will take a few d-tours on the way. The most likely choice at this point is getting onto the Blue ridge parkway to check it out. I won't do the whole things but I would like to see/drive it. After that I am not sure yet.

There will be a short camping trip coming up. Heading back to the Port Elgin  area but this time we will be at MacGregor Point this is where I originally wanted the Brucedale trip to be at but it was booked. Just one night this time with Phil and Tina. Should be fun.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Camping at Brucedale

Camping was a success!

Last Friday I got up early and headed up north to go camping. I had booked a site at Brucedale conservation area, right on lake Huron. The drive up was pleasant and mostly uneventful. Sadly I did take out a bird, he was flying very low across the road and I drove over him. There was no thud or anything but I did see many feathers when I looked in my mirror. I would like to think he just got a little brained but I fear he didn't make it. I was quite close to the lake pretty much the whole way up but only caught a few glimpses along the way, roads in south western Ontario can be a bit dull. I did have some good tunes though. I made a playlist of 90's eurodance music, it was great.

I arrived at Brucedale, it is a nice wooded area. I went and registered then found my site, sort of. The site was unmarked, I asked my neighbours and they didn't seem to think site 55 existed, but I did have the right spot. I started setting up while waiting for my friends to show up. I had not had lunch yet so I decided to head to nearby Port Elgin. During Lunch I got a text from Colin saying they were also eating and would be arriving in about an hour and a half. I headed back to the campground.
Colin eventually arrived with his girlfriend Euphemia and her friend Bing. We set up the rest of camp and relaxed for the rest of the evening.

On Saturday we wanted to go the the beach.The beach at Brucedale (I had been warned when I reserved) was not very nice, more of a march really so we headed back to Port Elgin to find the beach. It was actually a pretty nice. We basically spent the whole day there. We had a late dinner back at the campground and ended up missing the small fireworks show held near the beach. Once again we relaxed and hung out. I tried Colin's hammock tend that night. It's basically a hammock that is enclosed for camping, I found it pretty comfortable but a little cool on the backside.

Sunday we pretty much broke camp and headed home. Despite not sounding very exciting I had a great time, it was about relaxing after all. I also got to meet two new friends, hopefully we get to hang out again soon.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

For my 97th post

Well there isn't much te report this week. Work is busy and unexciting. I am getting pretty pumped about my upcoming camping trip. A slight change of plans though we will only be four people. It would have been nice to have a bigger group but four should be a little more chill. I also get to meet two of those people for the first time, so that is a good thing.

I also have to get on the planning of my fall trip. The first step is picking the date. I have a local friend who I have tried consulting as to what time frame would be best to enjoy some nice weather and hopefully see the leaves change. I have not heard back from him though, I may just have to pick a date all by my self. After that the real planning will begin, I actually plan on inviting several people, although the itinerary won't be open for voting. Too much hassle getting more that two or three people to agree. If people want to participate great, if not all is good we can all hang out by the fire in the evenings.

That's all for now.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I am getting bad at keeping my schedule.
I do have some news though, I am going camping soon. We (unofficial count at this point but at least two of us) will be heading up to Brucedale conservation area, for the Canada day long week end. I really don't know much about it other that it's right on the shore of Lake Huron. I was interested in another park just a bit further North but it was booked up. As I said the count is unsure but my confirmed other is Colin, he will be coming from Toronto, out camping location will require us to both drive/ride pretty much the same distance, so we get a lil bit of road tripping in and no one is going much further than the other.
Nothing really planned beyond the actual camping stuff, I am sure we can find a few activities in the area but really, I just want to chill in the woods.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My vacation report

Greetings all,

  Well I am back from the Dragon, well I have been back for over two weeks and have not updated the blog yet. I wanted to let things "digest" before reporting back, after that well I was just tired and not in the mood to write. I am not really good at recapping what I did on a week long vacation so I won't. I will say that I had a wonderful time. The weather was pretty good, well there were pretty bad tornadoes near by but they did not reach Fontana Village. I did meet a few new people as well as reconnected with some old friends. Sadly a few were missing, hopefully they make it next year. I will say though that while it was indeed a great time there was less of a party vibe this year. Not really in a bad way just different.
The roads were still as twisty as I like them. I will say I was not really into group drives this year. I find some people push it a little beyond what I am wiling to do on a public road. I prefer just to go at my own pace. Once again I want to say it was great and I am going back next year.
Well actually I plan on returning before that. I am in the very early stages of planning a Fall trip. At this point I have one person joining me, my friend Colin. We do plan on doing some driving/riding(motorcycle) but this trip will be more about camping type activities, hiking kayaking. I have a friend who live in the area that can be out guide, he may not be able to literally guide us everywhere but I am sure he can direct us to cool places. I will be inviting others to join us but it will be pretty open, if they want to burn up the roads all day but meet up in the evenings for a campfire that is cool with me. I do want to keep it small though.

 A week after I got home it was time for the Rammstein concert. There really isn't much to say here either it was awesome. Good loud music, lots of fire effects. Our seats were pretty good too. The next day at work was a little rough though. Just under three hours sleep sucks, but is was totally worth it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day three

Hello again
Not much to report today, I pretty much just relaxed. I switched cabins today into the official bluegrass MINI cabin with my friends from Kentucky. My one buddy had a pretty rough ride in. It's not too bad here in Fontana but there are storms in the area that were knocking down trees.
That is it for now, I will try and snap some more pictures tomorrow to post. The WiFi OS a little sketchy during the day but seems fine in the evening.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day two

Welcome all!
Things are still fantastic here. Today was pretty relaxing pretty much just chilled around Fontana.
I did clean my car though, less than five minutes later a bird decided to poop on the hood. While this was an annoyance it really didn't bother me that much. I guess vacation time fellows me out.
This afternoon I headed back to Maryville to visit with a friend, Eric. I met him a couple years ago at the wedding of two MINI friends. We hung out for a few hours. It was fun. He runs a small motorcycle shop in his garage. He is a pretty cool guy.  It's funny he actually spotted me on the Dragon on my way in Monday and waved. He had seen the pics of my new orange fender slashes on Facebook.  Once it was time to head back to Fontana I had to do a couple pit stops to get some supplies others had requested.
I ended up missing the spaghetti dinner that happens on the Tuesday before the official start of MOTD. I ended up grabbing a burger at a Hardy''s I had seen the commercials for years but this was my first taste. Overall it was pretty good for fast food.
Once I made it back it was firepit time, this is always fun.
Here are a few pics.
The bike pics are Eric's newest acquisition a 1964 HONDA Dream 305 When we saw each other Monday or was it's first dragon run. The other ones are from the top or the Fontana dam.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day one for real

I was originally going to be in the Detroit tuned cabin for the first two days but on an air mattress. Well I was fine with that but turns out someone had a spare bed for the first two days so I now have my own room.
Over all the first day was pretty good, the trip down while quite wet at times was fun but uneventful which is pretty much what you want on a road trip. The weather so far perfect. Tomorrow we set up the Detroit tuned tent, afterwards I will likely meet one of my local friends for a few hours. Beyond that maybe some food shopping. That is pretty much all for now. I will try to take some more pics today to post up.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day one

Well day one is basically over. Helped out Chad at Detroit Tuned getting packed up. The van is full to the roof. I got pulled in for a secondary search crossing the border this morning, apparently I looked nervous I always am a bit, not sure why but today it was excitement for my trip. All things considered it wasn't a bad time everyone was polite and I was out of there in less than a half hour.
Chad's mom made us a good Easter dinner we had at the shop, overall a good day not very exciting but good. We leave for Fontana village tomorrow at 6:00. Might not post that early but I will keep you updated.
Note this was written on Sunday. I thought it had been sent but apparently not.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dragon time

Well I know I have posted about it already but its less than a week away, it's all I can think of. In less than twenty four hours I am a free man from my employer. Some last minute work getting done to the MINI on Friday, some boring mechanical stuff some new cosmetic stuff that will be revealed later. Saturday will be pretty much a prep day nothing too exciting. I head out Sunday to spend the night in Michigan so we can be ready to leave bright and early. We will be four MINI's and six people.

I actually found a pretty cool app for this trip. I was searching under roadtrip and found something called daily roads voyager. You have two options you can set up tome laps pictures at whatever interval you want. You can also have the video camera on at all times, if something happens that you want to record simply tap the screen and it will save. It is little unclear how much is saved, but I will play with it and hopefully figure of out. It also auto records if the phone detects a shock, great in case of an accident. It also geotags everything. Obviously I will have to keep my phone plugged in the car charger as all this eats away at the battery pretty quickly. Best of all it was free. Now I just need to find a windshield mount.

I do plan on blogging as I go, so feel free to check in often, sadly pictures will be minimal until I am able to access some WiFi as data rates while roaming are not cheap. I actually inquired adding a roaming data plan but it really doesn't seem like a good deal even foe a heavy roamer.

That is all for now.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Testing 123

Greetings all, no post last night because I wanted to test the Blogger app on the go. I plan on blogging through my upcoming holiday. I wanted to test the location function and the picture function. I am at work on the roof of Vision nursing home. If this works the way it should that should be indicated somewhere on this post without me having to actually tell you. Here we go.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Well another election is upon us. You know what I really don't know what to do. Our political system just doesn't seem to work. The politicians tell us what we want to hear, or at least what they think we want to hear. They don't really seem to want to work at making the country run smoothly. It's too us vs them. If party A wants something party B doesn't after all we can't cave to the other guy. The thing is we all pretty much want the same thing but people want to be part of a group, these groups have to seem different or else, how will we tell them apart? I read a Cracked article on this recently, yeah I know Cracked is a comedy site but they do have some proper information too. Check it out, they even have several links to the studies they mention. Cracked I know a guy who straight up said he would never vote for the Liberals, ok maybe not for this election, or the next. What about 20 years from now? What about 10? Maybe they will have a good platform with a good leader, but nope they have the wrong name. What I would want is no parties what so ever. You pretty much vote for two people on main leader the Prime Minister and one regional representative. The PM appoints certain regional reps to various ministries. The various reps propose bills, we figure out a voting process and it passes or it doesn't. The PM and the various ministries deal with the day to day type stuff, with some oversight on the bigger decisions. Really similar to today but the votes would be based on what the reps constituents want not on what the party tells them to vote.  Would this work, well I really don't know.
There is another solution, let us decide. We have the technology to allow people to vote online. If a big issue comes up let us vote. Most of us have the internet, if we don't it's not that hard to find a computer to use for a few minutes. Throw in a few stations at all municipal offices for the old folks and all is good.

All that to say I have no clue on who to vote for.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Who can we trust?

With the recent events in Japan it got me thinking. Who can we trust when it comes to dealing with big issues? Nuclear power is it safe or not? Up until recently I was pretty much all for it, my only real issue was what to do with the waste. We were told that modern power stations are extremely thought and full of redundant systems built in. It would seem that this is not the case. Yes it was a pretty brutal disaster but isn't that the point of building up these stations to such high standards? It's one of those issues that people tend to be simply for or against. The for group tends to be represented by scientific types. Experts in the field tell us not to worry. The group opposing tends to be environmental types using scare tactics. who do you believe? I tend to be on the science side, but science isn't always right. Well its not so much science as scientists. Science is the pursuit of knowledge an understanding. It will be wrong on occasion it's the arrogance of some scientists that gets frustrating. It's not just the nuclear debate lots of issues are presented as for or against yet many have a pretty gray area. Some advice also seems to change every other year. Aside from doing all the research yourself how can anyone make heads or tails of any information?
Anyway I know this was a little out there for a post I know what I want to say but it's not that easy to put into words.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

New phone

Saturday post!
Well I got a new phone. My old "MIKE" phone got dropped the day. It was a flip phone and part of the hinge broke. The screen would sometimes go blank. This was getting annoying not to mention paying 15$ a month for a service I no longer used. This morning I called TELUS and asked what they could do for me. They offered me a new HTC desire hd for 99$ as long as I pay the difference on the discount I got when I bought my Mike phone. Not the greatest deal but acceptable. The guy at the store will even try to get my old one fixed under warranty, if it gets fixed I could sell it. A coworker sold his pretty easily so that's good.
So far I really like the phone I am sure as I get to know it I will like it even more. The location I got it even offers a one on one course on how to use your phone, I imagine they know plenty of cool tricks. The best part its free.
If anyone knows of any cool apps let me know, or you can make me one (you know who you are). Speaking of apps I am writing this on my new phone using the Blogger app. The touch screen typing isn't great but I an already much faster than I was this morning, so I an sure it will get better.
That's all for now, off to get some food then go see the movie Paul. I did want to see Hobo with a shotgun, sadly its not playing in Sarnia.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Skipped a week

Sorry for missing my regular post last week. No real reason just not much to say.

 The Dragon is fast approaching friends.  I have not been on vacation since the last dragon and I am due for some time off. I am getting pretty excited, as I tend to around this time. It's weird this will only be my third time attending but it already feels like I have been going for years. I was originally planning on taking a side trip on the way like last year but I don't think that will happen. Maybe if I had a friend with me I would but I am just not that motivated to do it solo. I do plan on exploring the area a little more this year. I have started to look at the map and I think I can get a few nice drives.

I don't have any concrete plans yet for another vacation but I would like to do something else this summer. There is talk of a camping/kayaking trip in Quebec to do some whale watching. If the camping doesn't happen maybe a few days in Chicago would be fun. I am told taking the train there is pretty cheap. If I do go I will have to do some research on the available food. It doesn't have to be anything fancy but I decided that even if it's not the main focus of a trip, going to a big city I want something special, something I can't get anywhere else. If anyone knows of a good place feel free to share.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Not again

Well they are back, high gas prices. We all know with inflation prices go up but the gas prices do it quickly and often, (wish I could too, well often not quickly so much) and frankly it sucks. The thing is looking at the actual prices it doesn't really seem too bad a few cents one week a few more the next. Unfortunately those small increases get multiplied about forty five times at least for my average fill up. I recently filled up my car to the tune of sixty three dollars, this was a record in my car owning history(both had the same size tank) and I don't like it. The sad part it I am likely to do very little to help myself out in actually saving fuel. Why you ask, well it's no fun. 
 There are many many fuel saving devices out there and you guessed it pretty much all of them are utterly useless. Check out this popular mechanics article for the most popular ones. Real fuel saving tips buy an appropriate vehicle. If you are single and never leave the city limits do you really need a full size truck? If you simply want it that's cool but don't expect pity from me. I do drive a small car, well a MINI car that is. Did I buy it for fuel savings? Nope. Sure it is pretty good compared to similarly fun cars but I wanted it because it's a blast to drive. That being said if it truly had really bad fuel economy there is a chance I would of had to pass on it due to simply not being able to afford it. 
Next tip drive a properly maintained car. Has your check engine light been on for three months? Get it checked out. Does it run rough? Yep go get it fixed. Check you tire pressures regularly, hell I am guilty of not checking as much as I should. 
Don't carry around useless junk, sure on a road trip it's good to have some emergency gear but around town you can leave your zombie apocalypse gear at home, well keep the bat just in case. 
Now the most important on, the one I will for the most part ignore. Don't drive like a jack ass. Jack ass here is not about cutting people off and not properly signalling but accelerating quickly and not coasting when coming up to a red light.  Now I don't expect everyone to take a kilometre to get up to the appropriate cruising speed but maybe a little longer than the length of the intersection might help. Same for the coasting, no need to idle  to far away from a red light but if you know you will have to stop take your foot off the gas, don't go for neutral though coasting actually burns no fuel at all neutral is pretty much the equivalent of zero miles per gallon.
Now I make myself sound worse than I actually  am here yes I generally take off from a stop quicker than the average driver on the street but I really don't cruise any faster, nor do I redline every gear every day, but I do give it the beans at least once per outing, sometimes more. But it's worth it because it puts a smile on my face. 
 A few more things to think of, did you buy a gas guzzler and now you regret it? Well do the math before getting rid of it. The last gas was in this price range I heard many people on the news and what not talking about getting rid of their gas guzzlers in favour of a much more fuel efficient model. Sounds like a good idea but it's not always that simple, how much are you losing on that trade in? A thirsty vehicle will be worth less when gas goes up. That nice new fuel sipper well everyone wants one you are not getting a deal. Are you really changing your ways or will you be back to big once the prices go back down?(we all hope they go back down) 
How about a second beater car for your commute? Well don't forget all the associated costs of ownership of having a second car.

Lastly those talks of boycotting big oil in various ways to "teach them a lesson" well they simply don't work. Even if we did manage to cut way down to the point of prices falling they won't stay there if demands peaks again.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Scored some tickets!

Well I managed to score tickets for the Rammstein concert. I got three one for me and two friends. Apparently they changed the date too, that or I had simply read it wrong. It's a good thing too I am not on call that day so no need to switch with anyone. The Concert is May 8th at noon, ok that is a little odd but it does work out well for me, that way I can simply drive home after the concert and not have to take the next day off work.
I just hope I don't build it up too much, it;d gonna rock.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Smoking stinks!

Kind of a short post tonight feeling tired.
In the past few months I have started hanging out with some smokers. I had not had any smoker friends for a while and frankly I am surprised how many youngish people smoke. I just don't get why they would start, yeah I tried it but I never really saw the appeal to get a taste for it. Booze and other drugs have a pretty obvious high and that can be fun. Cigarettes I never really felt anything.
The thing is I don't really care about the second hand smoke, and hey they are aware of the dangers it's their choice. My problem is the fucking smell. I can't stand stopping by a friends place for a few an hour or so and having my clothes stink. If it's a week day I tend to only wear my pants for a few hours in the evening, I am not going to wash them each time I wear them, same goes for sweaters, and jackets.

Well that was my post for the day, pretty much something everyone already knows but oh well it's my blog. I may actually do a proper post in the next couple days, I have a topic planned but it's been a long week on call and I don't have the energy for a good post.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Concert time

Greetings all,

I had another topic planned for tonight but thanks to a post on Facebook I have something else to report. Rammstein will be touring the US and Canada this year. They had two shows last year and I missed both. The first one was in Quebec city, I only found out about it a few days before the concert and it was already sold out. Next up was New York city, this one I could have gotten tickets but they were pricey, not to mention making it down to NY, accomodations it was too much. Today they announced their North America dates. I want to go to the Toronto show, sadly I am on call that week end. I will be looking to switch as soon as possible, I can't imagine it will be impossible. I have two other options somewhat close Montreal and Chicago(on call that date too) but I am pretty sure I can swing Toronto, just hope the decent seats don't cost an arm and a leg.
Tour dates
I am not usually a big concert guy, too many bands out there that I only like a few songs. I don't like all of Rammsteins stuff but I do like most of it. The thing that I really want to see is their live show. The pyrotechnics are the best and their overall showmanship is great. Here is a clip from one of their shows.

I can't wait for this concert.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Driver training

Sorry I missed my deadline yesterday. Was out with a friend and it was getting late for posting.

The other day I saw driver training car. A few mistakes were made, but that is to be expected from a new driver. A couple things he did though made me wonder what his instructor was doing. Nothing serious really, like at one point he was in the left lane and merged to the right lane. The thing is the right lane was ending in less that half a kilometre. He remained in the right lane until the absolute end despite plenty of opportunity to merge back ahead of time. All this to say how well do we train our trainers? I already think it's too easy to get your licence, heck you aren't even required to take a driver training class.
The next step is the testers. How well are they trained? Do they simply follow a check list or are they properly trained to recognise a bad driver.

I would actually like to open up a driver training centre. We would train new drivers, retrain older drivers, teach advanced courses. What would set us apart is out facilities.  Something like this old Honda Proving centre would be great although admittedly a little overkill. The thing is the cost for such a venture is quite high and I just don't see enough people interested in the type of training I want to offer.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The bed

Greetings all,
Well I got my bed. One problem though it does not fit through the door to my room. I never thought of measuring because I previously had a queen size bed in here before. It was however a water bed, being a water bed it actually comes in pieces so doorway are a non issue. I stored it in the garage for now. Two days went by and I said screw it, I got it set up and tried it out. Yep I am sleeping in the garage, it is heated and has a tv so really why not?

Obviously this is a temporary solution, I am currently looking for a place of my own. Not too sure where yet but I will make sure I can fit my bed in the bedroom.

An update about the phones I talked about last week. They have arrive but not everyone has gotten theirs yet, including me. There is one issue though our billing software Jonas is not compatible with the BlackBerry. This was found out before ordering yet we still went ahead, oh well not my call. I do hope to utilize the various apps related to the refrigeration field, I haven't bothered looking through them yet but I am told there are many good ones.

I do have a minor incident to report, also some safety advice. If using a pipe wrench be sure to use the right size. On Monday I was disconnecting an old gas line. The line was 1" black iron pipe. I had to break open the union. Well my pipe wrench was a little too small for the job. The pipe was a little over waist high. I had the wrench on the union pushing down with most of my weight, BAM it let go, I lost my balance and my face went into the pipe. Thankfully I hit with my cheek bone. The glasses would have been damaged quite badly, and I am afraid to think of what my nose would look like had I gone in nose first. It no longer hurts (let me tell you it did when it happened) but I look like I got into a fight. I have an abrasion on my cheek and some bruising under my eye. Maybe I should go to the bar and hit on the women who like tough guys.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bed time

I finally got myself a new bed. Well not yet it arrives tomorrow. I got a pretty good deal on it too. My friend Pat's uncle owns a mattress factory/store, so he got me a deal. It's a standard inner spring style with a foam top I went for the firmest one in the store. I remember sleeping on a very firm bed on my first night in Japan, it could have been the whole jet lag thing but it was a great night sleep even though at first impression it seemed too hard. This is actually going to be my very first new bed. All my life I got second or third hand beds and most of those were water beds. I am actually quite excited for this.

As some of you may remember I had to buy a new cell phone a few months back. I wanted a smart phone but since work only covered the cell phone bill, or at least most of it if I got a direct connect phone I stayed with direct connect. Well since the whole new management at work things have changed. We are getting company provided BlackBerry's (the Bold). We will no longet be using the direct connect phones. There is a BlackBerry with that function but the Mike direct connect network is very slow anything bigger than an e-mail does not work very well. The hope is to eventually do our billing and dispatching directly from the phone. For now we will eliminate the pager for our on call system. Ordering parts and such will also be easier no more needing to relay long model numbers over the phone a simple e-mail will do the trick. The dispatcher will also enjoy this since she is also responsible for taking customer calls and ordering parts, no longer having to take our calls will save her lots of time.  There is a dilemma in all this though what do I do with my current phone? I don't remember renewing my plan when I got the new phone but my current contract runs out in 2013 so I must have. Overall my plan isn't too bad but $15 every month is for direct connect which I will no longer be using.
Some guys will be dropping their plan entirely but I want to keep a personal phone even though most of my calls are work related. We are allowed to use the company phone for personal calls as long as we don't go over our minutes but from the sounds of our plan it will be difficult. One of my co workers current Mike phone just died since the new phones will be arriving very soon he said screw it and got a new HTC Desire. I may do the same thing his plan is reasonable and the fee to change his contract wasn't too bad. It sounds odd to go from no smartphone to two but I just don't feel comfortable using my work phone for entertainment purposes. No I don't mean watching porn at coffee shops, if I want an app I want it. I don't want to have to repay my company for everything I download. If my company phone starts having issues I don't want to get them blame for all that fancy stuff I installed.

Anyway that's enough rambling for the night check back next week for another post.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why do we care?

Greetings followers,

More or a question today. Why do we care so much what people think of us? The other day I was talking to a friend, somehow the subject of the Miata came up. I mentioned that I almost bought one. My friend was almost shocked. He said he would never buy one. I can understand that the car isn't for everyone but his main reason, he wouldn't want to be seen in it. Really? It's a cheap reliable fun to drive car. If you take it to the track it can keep up with much more expensive cars. But if seen driving it he would be "gay". I didn't get the car myself because it was in rough shape and I could not afford two cars, Miata's are not winter cars. But frankly I would not have given a shit what people thought when I was behind the wheel. It's not just cars almost everything really. Would we be happier if we just got/dressed/did what we want and not cared what others thought of how it makes us look?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's Winter in Canada buy boots.

A small rant today. Last night was a small snow storm, the roads and side-walks were snow covered. Because it takes a few days to clear the side-walks people were walking on the roads. This is not too bad a side street on the main roads however it downright dangerous. The snow was not that deep, well not that deep if you have proper footwear but regular shoes will get wet, still better that getting hit by a car.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy new year.

Welcome to 2011 loyal followers. 2010 was neither good or bad really just another year, I am hoping for a good 2011. I have no major plans yet other than moving out of my basement. Not too sure where or when yet. The only other event on the list is the dragon, but that is on the list for the next several years.
Have a good one all.