Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day three

Hello again
Not much to report today, I pretty much just relaxed. I switched cabins today into the official bluegrass MINI cabin with my friends from Kentucky. My one buddy had a pretty rough ride in. It's not too bad here in Fontana but there are storms in the area that were knocking down trees.
That is it for now, I will try and snap some more pictures tomorrow to post. The WiFi OS a little sketchy during the day but seems fine in the evening.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day two

Welcome all!
Things are still fantastic here. Today was pretty relaxing pretty much just chilled around Fontana.
I did clean my car though, less than five minutes later a bird decided to poop on the hood. While this was an annoyance it really didn't bother me that much. I guess vacation time fellows me out.
This afternoon I headed back to Maryville to visit with a friend, Eric. I met him a couple years ago at the wedding of two MINI friends. We hung out for a few hours. It was fun. He runs a small motorcycle shop in his garage. He is a pretty cool guy.  It's funny he actually spotted me on the Dragon on my way in Monday and waved. He had seen the pics of my new orange fender slashes on Facebook.  Once it was time to head back to Fontana I had to do a couple pit stops to get some supplies others had requested.
I ended up missing the spaghetti dinner that happens on the Tuesday before the official start of MOTD. I ended up grabbing a burger at a Hardy''s I had seen the commercials for years but this was my first taste. Overall it was pretty good for fast food.
Once I made it back it was firepit time, this is always fun.
Here are a few pics.
The bike pics are Eric's newest acquisition a 1964 HONDA Dream 305 When we saw each other Monday or was it's first dragon run. The other ones are from the top or the Fontana dam.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day one for real

I was originally going to be in the Detroit tuned cabin for the first two days but on an air mattress. Well I was fine with that but turns out someone had a spare bed for the first two days so I now have my own room.
Over all the first day was pretty good, the trip down while quite wet at times was fun but uneventful which is pretty much what you want on a road trip. The weather so far perfect. Tomorrow we set up the Detroit tuned tent, afterwards I will likely meet one of my local friends for a few hours. Beyond that maybe some food shopping. That is pretty much all for now. I will try to take some more pics today to post up.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day one

Well day one is basically over. Helped out Chad at Detroit Tuned getting packed up. The van is full to the roof. I got pulled in for a secondary search crossing the border this morning, apparently I looked nervous I always am a bit, not sure why but today it was excitement for my trip. All things considered it wasn't a bad time everyone was polite and I was out of there in less than a half hour.
Chad's mom made us a good Easter dinner we had at the shop, overall a good day not very exciting but good. We leave for Fontana village tomorrow at 6:00. Might not post that early but I will keep you updated.
Note this was written on Sunday. I thought it had been sent but apparently not.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dragon time

Well I know I have posted about it already but its less than a week away, it's all I can think of. In less than twenty four hours I am a free man from my employer. Some last minute work getting done to the MINI on Friday, some boring mechanical stuff some new cosmetic stuff that will be revealed later. Saturday will be pretty much a prep day nothing too exciting. I head out Sunday to spend the night in Michigan so we can be ready to leave bright and early. We will be four MINI's and six people.

I actually found a pretty cool app for this trip. I was searching under roadtrip and found something called daily roads voyager. You have two options you can set up tome laps pictures at whatever interval you want. You can also have the video camera on at all times, if something happens that you want to record simply tap the screen and it will save. It is little unclear how much is saved, but I will play with it and hopefully figure of out. It also auto records if the phone detects a shock, great in case of an accident. It also geotags everything. Obviously I will have to keep my phone plugged in the car charger as all this eats away at the battery pretty quickly. Best of all it was free. Now I just need to find a windshield mount.

I do plan on blogging as I go, so feel free to check in often, sadly pictures will be minimal until I am able to access some WiFi as data rates while roaming are not cheap. I actually inquired adding a roaming data plan but it really doesn't seem like a good deal even foe a heavy roamer.

That is all for now.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Testing 123

Greetings all, no post last night because I wanted to test the Blogger app on the go. I plan on blogging through my upcoming holiday. I wanted to test the location function and the picture function. I am at work on the roof of Vision nursing home. If this works the way it should that should be indicated somewhere on this post without me having to actually tell you. Here we go.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Well another election is upon us. You know what I really don't know what to do. Our political system just doesn't seem to work. The politicians tell us what we want to hear, or at least what they think we want to hear. They don't really seem to want to work at making the country run smoothly. It's too us vs them. If party A wants something party B doesn't after all we can't cave to the other guy. The thing is we all pretty much want the same thing but people want to be part of a group, these groups have to seem different or else, how will we tell them apart? I read a Cracked article on this recently, yeah I know Cracked is a comedy site but they do have some proper information too. Check it out, they even have several links to the studies they mention. Cracked I know a guy who straight up said he would never vote for the Liberals, ok maybe not for this election, or the next. What about 20 years from now? What about 10? Maybe they will have a good platform with a good leader, but nope they have the wrong name. What I would want is no parties what so ever. You pretty much vote for two people on main leader the Prime Minister and one regional representative. The PM appoints certain regional reps to various ministries. The various reps propose bills, we figure out a voting process and it passes or it doesn't. The PM and the various ministries deal with the day to day type stuff, with some oversight on the bigger decisions. Really similar to today but the votes would be based on what the reps constituents want not on what the party tells them to vote.  Would this work, well I really don't know.
There is another solution, let us decide. We have the technology to allow people to vote online. If a big issue comes up let us vote. Most of us have the internet, if we don't it's not that hard to find a computer to use for a few minutes. Throw in a few stations at all municipal offices for the old folks and all is good.

All that to say I have no clue on who to vote for.