Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sudden sleepiness

Well I was planning on blogging last night but around 21:00, I realized I was simply too damned tired and went to bed.
Well I got my holiday schedule, I got the actual holidays off. Sadly because we are so busy and understaffed right now our standard practice of being "closed" for the week between xmas and new years. I don't thing I will have much of a chance for a decent road trip, I will try and get out to the ski hill though even if just for the day at Mount Holly.
On the bright side we have hired a new guy at work and he starts on the December 22. I hope he is good. We also get back two guys who have been away at trade school, the new year should start out much more relaxed. Another good thing our on call schedule will work differently for 2011. Currently we start our week on call on Monday and finish the following Monday. I had suggested starting Friday instead, that way when you are done you get to enjoy the week end to relax. We discussed it and agreed on Thursday as the switch over day, apparently that is how most other companies do it. I am just happy to have some time to chill out after a stressful week on call.
Well that is all for now, until next week.


Colin Young said...

Hey dude, glad to hear that things are looking up at work! Will you be around for the holidays? Gray, Susan, and I are going to be back for the New Year's long weekend.

Jabbles said...

Yeah I should be around but I am undecided as for actual plans, I will let you know.