Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thank you

I have come to find out that I have at least 7 followers on my little blog here. Sure in the grand scheme of the internet that isn't much but it's more than I thought and there may be even more than that.
I have temporarily located for a little over a week so that I can dog/house sit for Colin's aunt and uncle. They have a jack russell, she is a pretty easy going dog, although she is blind so I have to be sure not to cut her off or she will bump into me. The house itself is also pretty cool, there is a party hut at the back of the yard.
I am also reporting this week from a MAC, I was originally thinking of bringing my own computer but they have internet through bell, unlike cable I would need to login and I don't want to mess with that. I won't bash the MAC quite yet all I have really done so far is open up Firefox to surf the net. Do people even say surf the net anymore? I will say I am not happy with the mouse though it just feels cheap to me.  I don't know what this house is made of though because the cell phone reception sucks indoors, yet is fine outside.

My week on call ended on Monday morning so I actually had a day off to relax a bit before heading back to work. So far the week has flown by. I am looking forward to a proper week end though. I know a guy who is heading to the Grand Bend dragstrip Friday, I know the MINI isn't really a drag car but I may take it out there just for a pass or two, it's always fun going fast without worrying about the police.  I may ed up chickening out though State Farm is not likely to pay out if something were to happen, even if it is rather unlikely. It will be fun to watch either way.

I have been reading Richard Hammonds book  On The Edge, it's pretty good, but I was under the impression that it was a little more about how he got to be on Top Gear and his life as a motoring journalist/enthousiast. While that is covered it is done so rather quickly. The book is more about his accident with the jet powered dragster and his recovery. Severe brain injuries can be scary. The funny thing is my first day here I notice the "Uncle John" has the same book on his bookshelf. Had I waited a week to order it I could have read it for free.

Well that is all for now. I may actually update sometime before next Wednesday, I had a subject in mind earlier and forgot what I wanted to talk about, I was driving at the time so writing a note was not possible.


baby sister said...

At the beginning of this post you were talking about how you found out that you may have 7 or so followers. I thought you were going to mention that you found out that Colin's aunt and uncle follow your blog...maybe you forgot to mention...?

Jabbles said...

Maybe it is closer to 9 then, still not sure but it's nice to have "fans"