Friday, August 6, 2010

Why do I feel guilty?

It's not Wednesday but I had something to say. Why is it that I feel guilty for refusing to take an extra night On Call? A guy at work asked my to cover him for Saturday evening to Sunday morning. I don't have any actual plans but I am not really in the mood. I just got off the pager Monday morning and I would like a weekend to relax. I told him I would think about it and this morning told him unless it was something important (friends wedding) it was a no. He seemed a little disappointed but said never mind. I still feel guilty though, it was the same thing back in the Bingoland days I didn't want to cover a shift yet I would feel guilty and end up saying yes. At least now it is more likely that the favour will be paid back, but when? The guy who asked me is a real good guy but I can't expect him to drop his plans last minute if something comes up on one of my Saturdays On Call. The thing is there is a very good chance if I do say yes nothing will come in, I get to be the good guy and I don't actually have to do anything, yet as I said before, it's not really the work itself that bothers me when On Call it's the not knowing where or when, also if parts are needed for a big fringe or freezer it can be a major pain to track down.

Anyway I am still contemplating calling tomorrow to say yes, but I will not be happy, wish me luck sticking to my word.


phil said...

I personally believe that you have the choice to say yes or no and not feel bad about it. It all depends on when the person is asking you to take his shift. If it is asked 5 days or less before the actual date, you should not feel obliged to say yes, even if you have nothing planed. Also, remember that if you say yes too many times, you will be the target of people asking you to take their on call shift more times than you would like. On the contrary, it is nice to give a favor in order to get one back some day, but only when you are willing to take the duty. Nevertheless, you should not feel bad about saying no and not worry about it.

Jabbles said...

Well I didn't call him back, still feel a little guilty but whatever, I had offered if it was something important, he said never mind so I don't have a reason to feel guilty.

Tina said...

It is ok Jay!! Dom`t feel gulity.. It is your weekend off.. I just did the samething for next weekend at work.. I have no said plans, but it is my first Saturday and Sunday off in a long time, so I said no..

baby sister said...

I agree, you have the choice to say yes or no...but I would find myself in the same dilemma - wondering about payback time.

I would probably have done it. And in a month or so, you wouldn't even remember the day you were on call for him, but he would remember you did it for him.

BTW, when he said "nevermind", was it like a shrill nevermind or a friendly nevermind?

Jabbles said...

It was hard to tell really, but he isn't the shrill petty type, I don't think he will hold a grudge. I actually rarely ask for someone to switch, that is why I was unable to make your party.